You don't strike me as a Christian rock/CCM type fan Aaron, but you may want to look into John Cooper's podcast. He is the lead singer of Skillet and has had a bit of rivalry with Vischer over the last couple years. I think their podcasts have comparable listener numbers, but Cooper started his Cooperstuff podcast largely on the idea that Christians need lay people to rise up and train the next generation because evangelical elites are failing to respond effectively to cultural trends. He was originally an apolitical type of person not really caring about these things. He gets a little too political now, but he has some similar themes to you. But he comes from a very non-intellectual/normie (if a well known, successful singer can be called a normie) type perspective.

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The interview with Vischer was a waste of 30 minutes of my time. He purposely said nothing. If this is where evangelism is headed we are in for a rough ride.

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Thanks. I may check him out.

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Yes, I had basically the same thought. People have been suggesting that Vischer has basically apostatized, which I don't think is quite fair even if his style is tough to like, so I wanted to see exactly what he said here. Which ended up being not much.

Though I didn't spend 30 minutes listening to it, I'm much more a "reader" than a "listener" so I generated a transcript and scanned it in 5 minutes. I'm going to share the trick here in case anyone else is like me:

There's an auto-generated transcript from any video on YouTube (click the three dots to the right of the "Share" button). Unfortunately, it's really hard to read.

Copy and paste that into ChatGPT. Tell ChatGPT to either reformat it for readability, or just to summarize it (obviously the summary is going to miss some things, but as a first pass, I find it's pretty good). Reformatting the whole thing will take ChatGPT some time if it's a long video, you'll have to keep hitting "continue generating", but the results are impressive.

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Thanks. I’m also more of a reader, but after listening and watching Vischer’s tone and facial expressions I came away with the vivid impression that he is not a serious person. Seems like he just likes to throw stones. I’m not going to waste any time on him and I’m not sure why so-called Christian leaders pay attention to him. He should stick to making children videos.

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